African International Economic Law Network

American Society of International Law (ASIL) Global Engagement Series – The Prospects for Electoral Democracy in 2023: Africa’s Elections, Courts and Rise of Authoritarianism

Co-sponsored by the African Society of International Law, African Association of International Law,, and the African International Economic Law Network

Date: 10 March 2023.

Africa has a busy election calendar in 2023. These elections come at a time of global resurgence in authoritarianism. Having free and fair elections especially at the Presidential level will be crucial to ensuring democratic transitions and popular governance. Rigged, compromised, or badly managed elections could put many African countries on the path towards autocratic rule especially when there is so much social and economic dislocation arising from a convergence of crisis – debt, climate, Covid19 and war among others. This Africa Global Engagement Series will explore these themes by bringing together Africa’s international law societies in a 90-minute discussion with questions and answers.


  • Dr. Titilayo Adebola, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Aberdeen
  • Adaobi Egboka, Africa Program Director, Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, New York
  • Idayat Hassan, Director, Center for Democracy and Development, Abuja, Nigeria
  • Professor Githu Muigai, S.C – Senior Partner, Mohammed Muigai LLP, Kenya

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